Sunday, November 13, 2011

India's Advantages out of our Disadvantages !!!

India's Advantages out of our Disadvantages !!!

India's Advantages out of our Disadvantages.
I would like to borrow your attention in return for incuring in your mind a subject which needs your opinion, effort and attention altogether. It must be seriousely thought over and taken as one of the subjects of your assignments with much apprehension.
1. DISUNITY AMONG PEOPLE:I would say that if india benifits excessively by anything in kasmir, it is disunity among people and if 'Kashmir issue' is harmed greatly by anything, it is again disunity among masses. It is said by a well known personality that: "There is always room for people to unite with each other contrary to the Leaders who will always have differences". I guess this is a positive thought and can generate us a very good benifit, if we really work on this fervently.It is evident throughout the history that whenever Muslims were divided, they were attacked and ruled by other people, it takes no time to conclude that UNITY based upon truth and Obedience to Lord is the need of all times and must be attained at any cost lest we care for the present and future of ourselves and our coming generations. Disunity among us means india's job is half done without spending any effort and wealth, leave aside the leaership, lets talk of people - do we observe any sort of harmony among general population? This issue with the seriousness and sincerity must be overcomed with the building of an opinion which flows down everyone's heart and mind and there is nothing which would earn you all people on one platform and ideology except the firm belief on ONE LORD and His Mercy and Punishment. Besides that the propagation of worldly merits and demerits with regard to our struggle would add up more colour to our effort. Every individual has the responsibility to develope the ideas which would create sense of equality and harmony among people and ultimately unite them on one single resolve and commitment. Unity always serves as a catapult whenever enemy tries to advance towards the united group or nation, those of us who defy all values except Islamic values must atleast come together for the very Noble cause of Freedom from india and ultimately re-establishment of 'KHILAFAH', leaving aside Fiqhi differences and unnecessary talks and discusions. There were fiqhi differences within Sahabas also but that did not confined them to the borders of Hijaz, they collectively under one Leadership fought tyranny and spread the Justice and Brotherhood of Islam to far distant lands outside the borders of hijaz. This must be taken as a primary example for our work of untiy to confront enemy together. May Allah unite us on truth and keep us away from the whispers of Shaitaan always - Ameen.
2. INDIAN MUSIC AND FILM INDUSTRY:If we desire to start a realistic revolution in terms of damaging our enemy's sources of earning wealth, we must start from our Homes, our Public places, our Cars, our Offices, our Schools, our Colleges, our Mobile handsets and our Places of work. How is it that we wash the blood of our people killed by our enemy and bury them and return to work for the benifit of the same enemy. We may feel that music is a source of relaxation and resting for our mind but to be more honest, we must care more for our emaan and the sacrifices laid by the brothers of our faith. How is it possible that we will win over an enemy by being a hostage to him in our daily lives. Beware ! this is a covert conspiracy of our enemy to involve us in the euphoria by making us watch, llisten and read all those stuff which is not only damaging to our cause but to our Emaan as well. Where are those people who used to burn cinemas and harass music shop keepers in early days? By Allah they were more concerned and dedicated to our pious cause than we are. Making "ragdo ragdo" on roads and social networking sites is not revolution, it only lessens our anger and leaves some of us without food and some without job.The real revolution is boycotting all those products of india without whom we can easily survive and thus damage our enemy internally and fataly. Looking at the immorality and immodesty we peopple get involved in with this Nasty, Yucky and Pornographic industry, we must have long ago given up all this filth and relieved ourselves from being the 'helpers of our own enemies'. Today a young, energetic boy comes out with an ipod from which he listens the music and forgets all other things with this. Even a stone pelter would pelt a stone on enemy with the headphone in his ears listening music. DOES IT REALLY MAKE ANY SENSE ?? The likeness of this is sitting on the back of an elephant to press him down but meanwhile his hairs injure your skin (bcoz his hairs are as strong as nails) and he remains standing where he was. A deep self introspection is utterly necessary in order to take our enemy to task and make them feel that ants do not get destroyed with the foot of an elephant. However, there is no big reason for us to boycott all music and film industry than the Hadeeth of Rasulullah SAW which reads: " AND I HAVE BEEN SENT AS A MESSENGER TO DESTROY MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS".Any sincere muslim whose ears listen the Hadeeth would abrubtly give up listening music and watching films of your enemies. May Allah give us understanding of this grave issue - Ameen.
3. ADDICTION TO DRUGS:The best example for us to analyse the damage of addiction to drugs with respect to our struggle is of IKHWAANUL MUSLIMEEN of egypt: the dictator Hosni mubarak only contained brotherhood with the help of drug addicts, his administration would offer free drugs to the drug addicts for revealing the information about the whereabouts of members of brotherhood. Thus they would target them and kill the members of brotherhood and hence prevented them from rising from any corner of egypt up untill now. It is almost 35 years now, Brotherhood members remained under total control of hosni mubarak only with the aid of drug addicts. Some other tactics may have also been applied but the main reason is drug addicts only. The policy of our enemy is not going to be so easily noticed and tackled, we must develope our minds and courage to the extant that we should understand the tactics of enemies prior to their execution. It is higly normal that your enemy would try to achieve a generation of your's which  will not fight them, rebel against them, ask them for rights, and so on and so forth. They will definitely look for the ways to kill us without shooting us with gun or stabbing with weapons. In this scenario, drugs play a handy role for any power who wants to control and dimnish the strength of the rebellious people. We have witnessed that even girls of our society are involved in the addiction of drugs. By Allah this is not very easy to be overturned, this is a serious and utmost matter of dejection. The people llike us can never be called revolutionaries, never ever in history shall we have any page written upon us except that that would make its reader disappointed and pesimistic unlike the history of other generation where afte reading their stories, its reader feels passion, energy and motivation in himself to withstand the shackels of tyranny. We are all shepherds and soldiers, we must take care of our herd and equip ourselves with the knowledge and understanding of every subject of our concern. Wars are not won untill there is not a systematic change in the practices, engagements and day to day lives. This part of the ploys of our enemies is abhorrently unaffordable than all other parts of their ploys. Where ever we see a person using drugs, we must not go to police station to get him locked up but deal with him ourselves with strength and courage, make him understand the gravity of the practice he indulges in or if not anything, atleast we should ourselves and make all others distance from him so that he gets eliminated from the society and thus proves less fatal than if we keep quiet. May Allah give us strength and courage to withstand the challenge of drug addicttion - Ameen.
4. ADOPTING INDIAN CULTURE AND IGNORING ISLAMIC CULTURE:This is again what is deemed to be one of the causes of destruction of the civilisation, when the practices and cultures of other civilisation are adopted, your own civilisation gets ruined and lost. There is no sense of the life which is lived as per the civilisation of other than your's. Assumingly, if we keep aside religious culture, indian culture is even fatal to our own Kashmiri culture which includes modesty and decent clothing for men and women  both, while as indian culture is filled with things which are immodest for us atleast. It was in early 50's when a first dance programme was organised by sheikh abdullah on foreshore road, dancers were all kashmiri women wearing indian clothing, after which our women started wearing or changing the outlook of our traditional dresses 'pheran' and 'burqa', prior to that women would wear 'pheran' both in winter and summer as well, it was like a 'jalabiyyah' over the inner garments in order to hide the shape of the body. and men alike would also wear 'pheran' both in winter and summer as well also to hide the shape of their bodies. We can even witness now, if some elderly person walks by, women or men, we see them wearing 'pheran' even in summer. However, i am not telling you all to come out wearing pherns from now on, it is just an example which came in my mind to make you aware of the situation. The issue is far greater than 'pherans', we are gradually slipping away to indian culture wholly. All we care about is the fake outlook and charm, leaving aside such a wonderful Islamic culture, our men shave their beards, women come out as if they were american citizens and that too christians and atheists, it seems like we have nothing to do wih Islam. The examples of indian cinema heroes and heroines who are so called muslims are taken into consideration. People follow their lifestyle more than they follow the life style of their forefathers, and following the life style of RASULULLAH SAW and SAHABA is not in question. We must atleast look different in outlook than our enemy, so that anyone can visibly decide that these two people are all different than each other. Moreover, what is the matter of great significance, is again part of our faith, we must care for the pleasure of Allah and refrain from annoying Allah and His Messenger SAW by adopting the things which are forbidden to us. Bani Israel was only destroyed bcoz they would indulge in Haraam activities and feel careless about divine Ordainment. This nature and characteristic of our's would only increase the burden of indian occupatiion rather than decreasing and ultimately giving us freedom. Islamic values, traditions and practices must not be compromised with at any cost, there is a great advantage of our enemy out of this disadvantage of our's. We are a part og glorius civilisation, the civilisation which brought europe out of its dark ages, the civilisatiion which flourished scientific knowledge, the civilisation which established Justice and Divine rule on earth, the civilisation which ended slavery of mankind in literal means and the civilisatiion which boke the back of shaitaan at all levels. We must not shy away from being a part of such system, for our success lies in the ways by which our predecessors succeeded. May Allah make us more firm upon the system and tradition of Islam - Ameen.
5. HYPOCRISY:Hypocrisy is a tool of shaitaan which stirs up turmoil in any society, an already won war could turn into defeat if hypocrisy earns any space in the minds or hearts of people. We have seen throughout history that a a nation of hypocrites never ever achieves any thing good in this world and thier hereafter is terribly ruined as well. The worshippers of gods other than Allah have a good life and measure of countenance in this world but a hypocrite has neither the life of this world where he may feel content and nor the life of hereafter. He is put to shame in all walks of this worldly life. If there is something common in all four points above it is only 'hypocrisy', this turns the matter more dangerous than what it was before in the above disscused points. We got Mujahideen killed for 500 rupees, we forgot the honour of our women for 500 rupees... CAN WE EVER BE CALLED AS REVOLUTIONARIES???? The hypocrisy is on more increasing level than all other parts of this poor topic, and Hypocrisy is most unnoticed flaw in our character. This is where we are wholly responsible ourselves, our enemy may try to everything but they cannot change the heart of a person among us unless he follows his whims, desires and lusts. This is an area where we only need to work with ourselves, our souls and our minds. May Allah save us from all hypocrisy and lead us to the straight path of Islam and use us to make His Deen prevail over all religions of world - Ameen.
All my useless efforts may have bored you but this is out of my sincerity and thirst of freedom from india, thanks a lot everyone. (Note: i have used a word 'yucky' in my note, you may not ind it in dictionaries, it is just a typical expression maybe of my own) 

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