Sunday, November 13, 2011

What is the Khilafah (Caliphate)?

What is the Khilafah (Caliphate)?

Here is a brief overview of the Khilafah State. Inshallah in the coming weeks and months we are going to expand on the structure, processes and functions of this state and how we envisage it would work in the 21st century.

  • The Khilafah (Caliphate) is a general leadership over all Muslims in the world. Its responsibility is to implement the laws of the Islam system and convey the Islamic Message to the rest of the world. The Khilafah is also called the Imama as both words have been narrated in many sahih ahadith with the same meaning.

  • The Khilafah ruling system bears no resemblance to any of the governments in the Muslim world today. Although many commentators and historians have tried to interpret the Khilafah within existing political frameworks, it is in fact a unique political system.
  • The Khaleefah (Caliph) is the head of state in the Khilafah. He is not a king or dictator but an elected leader whose authority to rule must be given willingly by the Muslims through a special ruling contact called baya. Without this baya he cannot be the head of state. This is completely opposite to a king or dictator who imposes his authority through coercion and force. The tyrant kings and dictators in the Muslim world are ample examples of this, imprisoning and torturing the Muslims and stealing their wealth and resources.
  • This contract of baya stipulates that the Khaleefah must be just and rule the people by sharia. He is not sovereign and cannot legislate laws from his own mind that suit his personal and family interests. Any legislation he wishes to pass must be derived from the Islamic legal sources through a precise and detailed methodology called ijtihad. If the Khaleefah legislates any law contrary to this or commits oppression against his people, the highest and most powerful court in the State - the Unjust Acts Court (mahkamat muzalim) can impeach the Khaleefah and order his removal from office.
  • The Khaleefah has been likened by some to a Pope, who is the Spiritual Head of all Muslims, infallible and appointed by God. This is not the case as the Khaleefah is not a priest. His post is an executive post within the Islamic government. He is not infallible and can make mistakes, which is why many checks and balances exist within the Islamic system to ensure he and his government remain accountable.
  • The Khaleefah is not appointed by Allah rather he is elected by the Muslims and assumes authority through the contract of baya. The Khilafah is not a theocracy. Its legislation is not restricted to religious and moral codes that neglect the problems of society. Shari’ah is a comprehensive system that legislates on political, social, economic, foreign policy and judicial matters. Economic progress, elimination of poverty and enhancing the people’s standard of living are all goals the Khilafah will aim to achieve. This is completely opposite to the backward, medieval theocracies founded in Europe during the middle ages where the poor were forced to work and live in squalid conditions in return for the promise of heaven. Historically the Khilafah was an immensely wealthy state with a flourishing economy, high standard of living and a world leader in industry and scientific research for centuries.
  • The Khilafah is not an empire that favours some lands above others. Nationalism and racism have no place in Islam and are totally prohibited. The Khaleefah can be from any race or colour, and from any school of thought (mazahib) as long as he is Muslim. The Khilafah is an expansionist state but does not conquer new lands in order to steal their wealth and resources. Rather its foreign policy is to convey the Islamic message alone.
  • The Khilafah bears no resemblance to the republican system that is widespread in the Muslim world today. The republican system is based on democracy where sovereignty is given to the people. This means they have the right to legislate laws and a constitution. Sovereignty in Islam is to the sharia. No one in the Khilafah including the Khaleefah can legislate laws from their own minds.
  • The Khilafah is not a totalitarian state. It cannot spy on its Muslim or non-Muslim citizens. Everyone in the Khilafah has the right to express his or her opposition to policies of the state without fear of arrest or imprisonment. Torture and imprisonment without trial is completely forbidden.
  • The Khilafah does not oppress its non-Muslim minorities. Non-Muslims (dhimmi) are protected by the state and not forced to leave their religions and adopt Islamic values. Rather non-Muslim citizens are protected and their homes, properties and lives cannot be violated. Imam Qarafi, a Classical Scholar summed up the responsibility of the Khilafah to the dhimmi when he said: “It is the responsibility of the Muslims to the People of the Dhimma to care for their weak, fulfil the needs of the poor, feed the hungry, provide clothes, address them politely, and even tolerate their harm even if it was from a neighbour, even though the Muslim would have an upper hand (by the fact that It is an Islamic state). The Muslims must also advise them sincerely on their affairs and protect them against anyone who tries to hurt them or their family, steal their wealth, or violates their rights.”
  • Women in the Khilafah are not regarded as inferior or second class citizens. Islam gave women the right to wealth, property rights, rights over marriage and divorce as well as a place in society. Islam established a public dress code for women – the Khimar and Jilbab in order to establish a productive society free from the type of negative and harmful relationships prevalent in the west.
  • Establishing the Khilafah and appointing a Khaleefah is obligatory on all Muslims in the world, male and female. Performing this duty (fard) is the same as performing any other duty which Allah (SWT) has ordered us, where no complacency is allowed. Indeed the Khilafah is a vital issue for the Muslims. 
  • The future Khilafah will undoubtedly usher in a new era of peace, stability and prosperity for the Muslim world and beyond, ending years of oppression by some of the worst tyrants this world has ever seen. The days of colonialism and exploitation of the Muslim world will finally come to an end, and the Khilafah will utilise all resources at its disposal to further the interests of Islam and Muslims as well as establish an alternative for the people of the world to the Capitalist system.

India's Advantages out of our Disadvantages !!!

India's Advantages out of our Disadvantages !!!

India's Advantages out of our Disadvantages.
I would like to borrow your attention in return for incuring in your mind a subject which needs your opinion, effort and attention altogether. It must be seriousely thought over and taken as one of the subjects of your assignments with much apprehension.
1. DISUNITY AMONG PEOPLE:I would say that if india benifits excessively by anything in kasmir, it is disunity among people and if 'Kashmir issue' is harmed greatly by anything, it is again disunity among masses. It is said by a well known personality that: "There is always room for people to unite with each other contrary to the Leaders who will always have differences". I guess this is a positive thought and can generate us a very good benifit, if we really work on this fervently.It is evident throughout the history that whenever Muslims were divided, they were attacked and ruled by other people, it takes no time to conclude that UNITY based upon truth and Obedience to Lord is the need of all times and must be attained at any cost lest we care for the present and future of ourselves and our coming generations. Disunity among us means india's job is half done without spending any effort and wealth, leave aside the leaership, lets talk of people - do we observe any sort of harmony among general population? This issue with the seriousness and sincerity must be overcomed with the building of an opinion which flows down everyone's heart and mind and there is nothing which would earn you all people on one platform and ideology except the firm belief on ONE LORD and His Mercy and Punishment. Besides that the propagation of worldly merits and demerits with regard to our struggle would add up more colour to our effort. Every individual has the responsibility to develope the ideas which would create sense of equality and harmony among people and ultimately unite them on one single resolve and commitment. Unity always serves as a catapult whenever enemy tries to advance towards the united group or nation, those of us who defy all values except Islamic values must atleast come together for the very Noble cause of Freedom from india and ultimately re-establishment of 'KHILAFAH', leaving aside Fiqhi differences and unnecessary talks and discusions. There were fiqhi differences within Sahabas also but that did not confined them to the borders of Hijaz, they collectively under one Leadership fought tyranny and spread the Justice and Brotherhood of Islam to far distant lands outside the borders of hijaz. This must be taken as a primary example for our work of untiy to confront enemy together. May Allah unite us on truth and keep us away from the whispers of Shaitaan always - Ameen.
2. INDIAN MUSIC AND FILM INDUSTRY:If we desire to start a realistic revolution in terms of damaging our enemy's sources of earning wealth, we must start from our Homes, our Public places, our Cars, our Offices, our Schools, our Colleges, our Mobile handsets and our Places of work. How is it that we wash the blood of our people killed by our enemy and bury them and return to work for the benifit of the same enemy. We may feel that music is a source of relaxation and resting for our mind but to be more honest, we must care more for our emaan and the sacrifices laid by the brothers of our faith. How is it possible that we will win over an enemy by being a hostage to him in our daily lives. Beware ! this is a covert conspiracy of our enemy to involve us in the euphoria by making us watch, llisten and read all those stuff which is not only damaging to our cause but to our Emaan as well. Where are those people who used to burn cinemas and harass music shop keepers in early days? By Allah they were more concerned and dedicated to our pious cause than we are. Making "ragdo ragdo" on roads and social networking sites is not revolution, it only lessens our anger and leaves some of us without food and some without job.The real revolution is boycotting all those products of india without whom we can easily survive and thus damage our enemy internally and fataly. Looking at the immorality and immodesty we peopple get involved in with this Nasty, Yucky and Pornographic industry, we must have long ago given up all this filth and relieved ourselves from being the 'helpers of our own enemies'. Today a young, energetic boy comes out with an ipod from which he listens the music and forgets all other things with this. Even a stone pelter would pelt a stone on enemy with the headphone in his ears listening music. DOES IT REALLY MAKE ANY SENSE ?? The likeness of this is sitting on the back of an elephant to press him down but meanwhile his hairs injure your skin (bcoz his hairs are as strong as nails) and he remains standing where he was. A deep self introspection is utterly necessary in order to take our enemy to task and make them feel that ants do not get destroyed with the foot of an elephant. However, there is no big reason for us to boycott all music and film industry than the Hadeeth of Rasulullah SAW which reads: " AND I HAVE BEEN SENT AS A MESSENGER TO DESTROY MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS".Any sincere muslim whose ears listen the Hadeeth would abrubtly give up listening music and watching films of your enemies. May Allah give us understanding of this grave issue - Ameen.
3. ADDICTION TO DRUGS:The best example for us to analyse the damage of addiction to drugs with respect to our struggle is of IKHWAANUL MUSLIMEEN of egypt: the dictator Hosni mubarak only contained brotherhood with the help of drug addicts, his administration would offer free drugs to the drug addicts for revealing the information about the whereabouts of members of brotherhood. Thus they would target them and kill the members of brotherhood and hence prevented them from rising from any corner of egypt up untill now. It is almost 35 years now, Brotherhood members remained under total control of hosni mubarak only with the aid of drug addicts. Some other tactics may have also been applied but the main reason is drug addicts only. The policy of our enemy is not going to be so easily noticed and tackled, we must develope our minds and courage to the extant that we should understand the tactics of enemies prior to their execution. It is higly normal that your enemy would try to achieve a generation of your's which  will not fight them, rebel against them, ask them for rights, and so on and so forth. They will definitely look for the ways to kill us without shooting us with gun or stabbing with weapons. In this scenario, drugs play a handy role for any power who wants to control and dimnish the strength of the rebellious people. We have witnessed that even girls of our society are involved in the addiction of drugs. By Allah this is not very easy to be overturned, this is a serious and utmost matter of dejection. The people llike us can never be called revolutionaries, never ever in history shall we have any page written upon us except that that would make its reader disappointed and pesimistic unlike the history of other generation where afte reading their stories, its reader feels passion, energy and motivation in himself to withstand the shackels of tyranny. We are all shepherds and soldiers, we must take care of our herd and equip ourselves with the knowledge and understanding of every subject of our concern. Wars are not won untill there is not a systematic change in the practices, engagements and day to day lives. This part of the ploys of our enemies is abhorrently unaffordable than all other parts of their ploys. Where ever we see a person using drugs, we must not go to police station to get him locked up but deal with him ourselves with strength and courage, make him understand the gravity of the practice he indulges in or if not anything, atleast we should ourselves and make all others distance from him so that he gets eliminated from the society and thus proves less fatal than if we keep quiet. May Allah give us strength and courage to withstand the challenge of drug addicttion - Ameen.
4. ADOPTING INDIAN CULTURE AND IGNORING ISLAMIC CULTURE:This is again what is deemed to be one of the causes of destruction of the civilisation, when the practices and cultures of other civilisation are adopted, your own civilisation gets ruined and lost. There is no sense of the life which is lived as per the civilisation of other than your's. Assumingly, if we keep aside religious culture, indian culture is even fatal to our own Kashmiri culture which includes modesty and decent clothing for men and women  both, while as indian culture is filled with things which are immodest for us atleast. It was in early 50's when a first dance programme was organised by sheikh abdullah on foreshore road, dancers were all kashmiri women wearing indian clothing, after which our women started wearing or changing the outlook of our traditional dresses 'pheran' and 'burqa', prior to that women would wear 'pheran' both in winter and summer as well, it was like a 'jalabiyyah' over the inner garments in order to hide the shape of the body. and men alike would also wear 'pheran' both in winter and summer as well also to hide the shape of their bodies. We can even witness now, if some elderly person walks by, women or men, we see them wearing 'pheran' even in summer. However, i am not telling you all to come out wearing pherns from now on, it is just an example which came in my mind to make you aware of the situation. The issue is far greater than 'pherans', we are gradually slipping away to indian culture wholly. All we care about is the fake outlook and charm, leaving aside such a wonderful Islamic culture, our men shave their beards, women come out as if they were american citizens and that too christians and atheists, it seems like we have nothing to do wih Islam. The examples of indian cinema heroes and heroines who are so called muslims are taken into consideration. People follow their lifestyle more than they follow the life style of their forefathers, and following the life style of RASULULLAH SAW and SAHABA is not in question. We must atleast look different in outlook than our enemy, so that anyone can visibly decide that these two people are all different than each other. Moreover, what is the matter of great significance, is again part of our faith, we must care for the pleasure of Allah and refrain from annoying Allah and His Messenger SAW by adopting the things which are forbidden to us. Bani Israel was only destroyed bcoz they would indulge in Haraam activities and feel careless about divine Ordainment. This nature and characteristic of our's would only increase the burden of indian occupatiion rather than decreasing and ultimately giving us freedom. Islamic values, traditions and practices must not be compromised with at any cost, there is a great advantage of our enemy out of this disadvantage of our's. We are a part og glorius civilisation, the civilisation which brought europe out of its dark ages, the civilisatiion which flourished scientific knowledge, the civilisation which established Justice and Divine rule on earth, the civilisation which ended slavery of mankind in literal means and the civilisatiion which boke the back of shaitaan at all levels. We must not shy away from being a part of such system, for our success lies in the ways by which our predecessors succeeded. May Allah make us more firm upon the system and tradition of Islam - Ameen.
5. HYPOCRISY:Hypocrisy is a tool of shaitaan which stirs up turmoil in any society, an already won war could turn into defeat if hypocrisy earns any space in the minds or hearts of people. We have seen throughout history that a a nation of hypocrites never ever achieves any thing good in this world and thier hereafter is terribly ruined as well. The worshippers of gods other than Allah have a good life and measure of countenance in this world but a hypocrite has neither the life of this world where he may feel content and nor the life of hereafter. He is put to shame in all walks of this worldly life. If there is something common in all four points above it is only 'hypocrisy', this turns the matter more dangerous than what it was before in the above disscused points. We got Mujahideen killed for 500 rupees, we forgot the honour of our women for 500 rupees... CAN WE EVER BE CALLED AS REVOLUTIONARIES???? The hypocrisy is on more increasing level than all other parts of this poor topic, and Hypocrisy is most unnoticed flaw in our character. This is where we are wholly responsible ourselves, our enemy may try to everything but they cannot change the heart of a person among us unless he follows his whims, desires and lusts. This is an area where we only need to work with ourselves, our souls and our minds. May Allah save us from all hypocrisy and lead us to the straight path of Islam and use us to make His Deen prevail over all religions of world - Ameen.
All my useless efforts may have bored you but this is out of my sincerity and thirst of freedom from india, thanks a lot everyone. (Note: i have used a word 'yucky' in my note, you may not ind it in dictionaries, it is just a typical expression maybe of my own) 

PAKISTAN - Its Vitality & Our Responsibilities.

No man of wisdom and sincerity can withstand the fact  that when the contingent of Dajjal (Jews) were busy in creating a  state of their own from where they can launch their crusade against Muslims and occupy their Land by war, at the same time Allah erected His men for the work of achieving a state purely for the cause of Islam which will serve as a base to confront the dangers posed by the people of Dajjal (Jews & their allies) and to fight them and ultimately defeat them. And in all this procedure, Jews were successful in their resolve of creating their own state in the form of Israel, as it was bound to happen-keeping in  mind the fate of jews who will fatally be punished by Allah third time because of the mischief they spread on land while allying themselves with arrival of their bogus messiah. Allah also wanted this to take form and it was through His help that the Islamic state of Pakistan was formed and thus the Muslims of the sub-continent found relief from their distress. But little did everyone knew the idea behind Pakistan's creation and the immense help from Allah for making it possible while many people deemed it impossible. Dr. Sir Muhammad Iqbal RA had propounded the establishment of the state of Pakistan as the end of all blots unIslamic system such as Kingdom, democracy and other flawed systems of governancce in Muslim World. It was not by accident or by the personal effort of any dignitary among Muslims but it was the decree of Allah which came to pass as a success for Muslims. It was a gift from Allah for His chosen group of this Ummah, chosen for a cause greater and symbolical. The idea of Pakistan holds back its significance from earlier times of Islam and from the account of many narrations of hadeeth which speak of 'forces coming from east' and many other reports. Here we find that this 'EAST' is different than 'Khorassan' because some reports of Hadeeth also speak 'army with Black flags will come from Khorassan', here Prophet SAW has used two different words which according to me speak of two different regions, this is somehow my point of view regarding the Prophecy of Rasulullah SAW, it can be disputed or rejected. However, Allah willed it and made it happen, this was the ultimate result.
If we make a general study of Islamic history from the times of Prophethood and up untill now, we find that throughout history, if any state was formed or created solely for the benifit of Islam and its Law and order, it was Madinah Al Munawwarah - the unprecedented formation of Islamic state and establishment of Islamic Law & order. Untill the creation of Pakistan, we find no other state purely created for Islamic cause but all lands, provinces, territories and empires were conquered, annexed or engaged by Muslims to the Islamic empire, either by organised Jihad or by mutual alliance, which started from Madinah al Munawwarah. This is where pakistan holds a unique significance from all other lands of Islam except Madinah al Munawwarah as it was created out from the multiple religious state of india purely for the cause of Islam and Islamic Law and order. It is logical to compare the reason for creating Madinah al Munawwarah with the reason of creating Pakistan leaving aside the post creation developments. The grief here is that the people who laid the idea of creation of Pakistan in practical terms such as Allama Iqbal RA and those who were engaged in this process such as Maulana Mawdudi RA, the spiritual guides of the affairs of Pakistan, did not lived for more time after Pakistan came into existance. Infact, Allama Iqbal RA died before this state came into being. So the post creation developments in Pakistan were unlike Madinah Munawwarah where after the death of Prophet SAW, the Rightky guided caliphate managed it in the same way as it was managed by Prophet SAW Himself. Pakistan in its initial stages was hijacked by enemies of Islam, hypocrites within and misguided people while as Madinah Munawwarah was only left mismanaged and un organised when the Rightly guided caliphate ended. Lately, Madinah was fully dominated by Shittes untill Sultan Mehmood Ghaznavi RA laid the foundation of Jihad against shittes who controlled both Harmain shareef for almost 2 centuries and during this era "hayya alal khair al amal - Muhammad wa Ali khair al bashar" was added in the adhan and was recited even in Kaaba and Madinah and also peopleof Sunnah were forced to write the curses on Sahaba on their doors. His contribution was that He safeguarded the Hajj piligrimage routes from syria to Makkah and Madinah from shitte miscreants who would ask 7 gold dinars from each piligrim for entering Makkah as well as Madinah, later, Sultan Memhood Ghaznavi's ideas were adopted by Sultan Muhammad Malik shah of Rum and then by Sultan Noor ad-Deen Mehmood Zanghi and ultimately, shittes were defeated decisively by Sultan Salah ad-Deen al ayyubi RA and it was Him who took control over Harmain Shareef from shittes during His era. So, my reason for giving this detail is to present before all of you the picture of sufferings of Madinah al Munawwarah, Makkah and all lands holded by shittes and lately by crusaders and the rise of Servants of Allah and their efforts in Jihad for liberation of Islamic sacred Sancturies and lands, their efforts only bore fruit because their base was already laid by Khilafat e Raashida and Prophet Muhammad SAW Himself and they followed the pattern and thus became successful. While we study Pakistan in the same kind of scenario, we find that from the beggining up untill now Pakistan did not witnessed the rise of any pious Leader untill this day except the Scholars who always worked on primary levels to change the system. Pakistan was always made hostage by enemies of Islam and hence they succeeded in curtailing the main aspirations of the creation of state of Pakistan. The total failure of an Islamic state according to me is when the rightly guided Scholars stop resisting the unISlamic practices, stop enjoining Sunnah education, stop opposing the foreign occupation or containment and stop criticising the political and armed men of the state who join hands with the enemies to oppress people and change the system of state from Islamic to anyother. If we do not witness any pollitical leadership or armed commanders in Pakistan who were sympathetic to Islamic system, we cannot depict Pakistan as failed Islamic state untill the Scholars seize to resist all tyrannical and unIslamic heads of state be it political or armed generals. All we observe from the time Pakistan was created is the lack of sincere Leader who abides by ISlamic law, constitution and order. Well i say the Mujahideen of Pakistan compensate the army of Pakistan who unlike army have shaked hands with the enemies of Islam. This is the source of huge strength apart from the Scholars who work day and night to restore the idea of creation of Pakistan. There is definitely the need of a Man of extra genius who must control the political, religious and army related affairs in the pursuit of Islam and its obligations to overcome all the miseries and griefs suffered by people of ummah in this age. For re-organising an Islamic state, neither an armed group nor a learned group of people can be successful single handedly, it has to be a collective effort which will prove successful in all circumstances.
Now when all the hopes upon political leaders and armed generals of Pakistan have decayed, poeple hold responsibility to support and applaud Mujahideen (who are labelled as rebels by enemies of Islam and their puppets) and adhere to Scholars for knowledge regarding Islamic Law, order and management of affairs of the state untill the rise of men like 'Salahuddin', 'Muhammad bin Qasim', 'Umer bin Abdul Aziz', 'Noor ad-Deen Mehmood', 'Mehmood Ghaznavi', 'Imad ad-Deen' and many others is witnessed. We must not criticise or part ways from the state of Pakistan but work to restore its ideology and thus restore the glory of Islam in the same way as those Men of strength did, who patiently persevered in earlier times untill Allah bestowed them with sincere, upright and well charactered Leaders who solely sacrificed everything for the sake of Allah and played a big part in liberating Muslims from clutches of unIslamic tyrannical powers. All these points must be followed if we want to be a part of Islamic history whose base was established Himself by Rasulullah SAW otherwise criticising or parting ways and dissociating ourselves from our state will only end up with us being on the wrong side or opposite to history, which a sincere believer will find difficult. Our script for work is Qur'an, Sunnah and the ways of the Heroes of Islam whom Allah bestowed with wisdom, Leadership, chivalry, sincerity and honesty for the cause of Islam. Pakistan as a border state of Islamic empire is as important as Kufah, Homs and al jazeera of Khilafate e Rashida from where the back of Huge empires of Byzantine and Persia was broken by Jihad and Islam was spread outside arabia through these areas. It must be visualised that the eastern base for Islamic operations and porpagation is Pakistan, if Islamic rule will haveto spread to china, india, russia and all other lands to far east, Pakistan has to be in control of the affiars of Islam in the eastern region. We have to be the initiators of revival in this age when our so called leaders have succumbed to the pressure from enemies of Islam. We have to resist every unIslamic rule in all circumstances such as people of Alexandria resisted it in all times and circumstances. Alexandria is unique in the history of Islam because its poeple never submitted themselves to any foreign occupation be it crusaders or shittes but they withstood them and practiced Sunnah and abided by Islamic culture and traditions in earlier times. Those who practice democracy and abide by its laws are not a part of Islamic struggle for revival untill they give it up totally, oppose it and join the struggle for the cause of Islam to re-establish Khilafah and spread it to far distant lands by Jihad fisabilillah. The ideas of Islamic revolution can only be derived from the glorius history and biographies of prominent Men of Islam.
The likeness of Pakistan is of a house with four walls and a roof without colour, furnishing, furniture and other items, gifted to you by someone for living; while you take it's possession, you spend your effort to decorate it and beautify it with colours and lights. After a while, when you continue living in this house, some insects, cockroaches, termites, bugs and flies hold your house firmly and disturb you every now and then and make your living hectic and uncomfortable and you wander looking for solutions. In this situation, if you hate your house for the reason of insects and bugs, it will be absolutely foolish and reckless to do so; what is needed is that you must look for the ways to drag them out from your house while using something which will destroy them wholly. This is the exact situation of Pakistan - we are holded as hostages by the bugs and flies (zardari and america) and we start hating it and preparing our mind to stay away from it rather than cleaning it from the people of Shaitaan and Dajjal. When Israel celebrated the victory of 6 day war of 1967, its first prime minister David Ben Gurion said in paris that "all the threats and challenges from arabs upon the state of Israel have been overcomed, now we have no fear of arabs at all but now we have the fear of Pakistan that it might rise and challenge the state of Israel. Our only challenge is Pakistan from now on". This was the time when Pakistan even did not possessed Nuclear weapons, its millitary was tattered and people were upset with the situations inside of Pakistan.If, in this age, the disbelievers have fear of anything among Muslims, it is the Nuclear might of Pakistan and to be more accurate, the recent developments describe that disbelievers are confident that they will snatch and break the nuclear teeth of Pakistan, they are more feared of the fearless Mujahideen who are impossible to be dominated and corrupted by anyone. My dear brothers, all these things do not happen by accident by Allah, Pakistan alongside Afghanistan is chosen by Allah for the destruction of taghoot and all imperial powers of this age. We must not hate it but rectify it, for this is the gift and blessing of Allah upon us. We must clean it from all the unIslamic cluster of thugs who always stand as a barrier for the rise of Islam within Pakistan. Here the haters of pakkistan and its people are answerable to us that; " would they have hated Makkah and MAdinah and its  people when they were under the clutches and oppression of Shittes for 2 centuries or more"?? would they have hated Masaajid of Hijaz where Adhaan was changed forcibly by Shittes.?? This metamorphosis shows the characteristic of camouflaging by the people who hate Pakistan and its people. We as Kashmiris hold extra responsibility than the people of Pakistan in respect that we must support them, love them and comfort them, they are our brethern and untill they dont get relieved of the "worshippers of america", we will also be under the occupation of india. Pakistan wholly belongs to Ummah of Prophet Muhammad SAW and not to any others. It is not by accident that Pakistan was able to make Nuclear weapons but it is what Allah blessed Pakistan with the steeds of war which no other Muslim province produced up untill now, this is the PLAN OF ALLAH against the disbelievers inorder to finish them off. The future of Islam will be steered by Pakistan, the MUjahideen of Islam who live in it and the Scholars who applaud it and support it. So any idea of hating Pakistan or any other Islamic province holds no basis in Islam. Those who hate their Muslim brethern are part of forces of shaitaan. We must hate hypocrites only instead of hating all people. Moreover, Pakistan is at the forefront of enemies of Islam - india, china and russia and it is strategically engaged by zionist america and israel. No Muslim province has enemies more than Pakistan has and we must refrain from adding ourselves to this number by hating Pakistan. And do not consider china as your friend, china is only your friend untill you have no KHILAFAH in Pakistan, they are the enemies of Islamic system, though we can consider them lesser enemies but not friends at all. They are the friends of each other and by Allah, when Islamic law will flourish, we will witness that we will have no friends except our own Muslim brethern, every power of earth will challenge you and confront you because the RISE OF ISLAMIC KHILAFAH SIGNIFIES THE END OF ALL THE POWERS OF EARTH.May Allah shower us with Mercy, Guidance, Sincerity for the cause of Allah, Courage and Authority..... Aameen.
Takbeer.............. ALLAHUAKBAR !!!!

Sincerity Vs Bias / 'Pakistan-Kashmir' Comparison

In all of the arguments and their refutations among the people of different factions in Kashmir, regarding the political discourse, some ostensible arguments of those who argue against the 'general concept' remain unanswered in broad terms. The cause of the idea which is contrary to what is generally accepted by people at large can only be discerned whilst studying the nature and base of the dichotomy and the authenticity of the blaims blamed by the blaimers against the 'general concept'. Hence, we will -insha'Allah- dive into the dim, disparagely, to put some light on what is being exaggeratingly associated with us and the bias of the blamers who indulge in deviating the masses to add more people into their illicit and heretic camp.

{Just for those who may vary in the opinion as to what is the 'general concept' ragarding the political solution of Kashmir, i convey to them that it is Kashmir's Merger with Pakistan based on Islamic brotherhood; and the blamers who criticise this idea are our so called "Roshan-Khayal" (seculars) people and those who are newly formed, seemingly (as it seems to me), a wall between seculars and common ideological people.}

Lets proceed:

1. They say: "That Pakistan is an occupier of Azad Kashmir and they only want Kashmir's land and resources, Pakistanis dont care about people of Kashmir but just its water."

Well lets say that the part of Kashmir which is administrated by Pakistan is actually occupied by Pakistan, but it rapidly takes us back to the history of the conflict where we find that these were Kabayli Mujahideen of Pakistan who after hearing the Jammu mass massacre of 700,000 Muslimeen at hands of patiala (indian) army and maharaja's army in a joint operation to clean jammu of its vast Muslim population (whose stories of sufferings of muslims if you hear even now, you would pity on yourself from sitting back and not taking revenge), they landed with their ammunition on the border of Kashmir, entered the areas of Kashmir and engaged in Jihad and drove hindu army back from the territory which is today's Azad Kashmir. It was with the help of Allah that they conquered or liberated Azad Kashmir but unfortunately were unable to advance to occupied Kashmir. The lies which have been ascribed to these pious Mujahideen of Pakistan and the way these seculars believe upon them shows the corruption in their Emaan. If only, these Mujahideen had fought hindu forces in Azad Kashmir for the sake of worldly benifits, then we should atleast be able to see some of the Kabayli descendents living in Azad Kashmir in these times or there must be any sign which elucidates Kabayli occupation of Azad Kashmir, the reality is that - they fought, won and left the place to its inhabitants. So where do you see these Soldiers of Allah committing any transgrssion against their Muslim brethern? If you argue on this, then we surely ask you for the authentic proof to defend your claim. How poor you are, O seculars ! how has shaitaan consumed you and has seized your head and has with held you from recognising the truth and rejecting the falsehood.
If Allah has created everything according to His wisdom and Will, then how come you blame Pakistan for having policy against Kashmir's limited resources. It is natural and logical that whatever suffices people for survival, they care for that and try to maintain that. Moreover, it is a phenomenon carved out by Allah that all the rivers of Kashmir should flow towards Pakistan, why do you disapprove Allah's design? or why are you jealous from it.? If we claim that Pakistan only fights for Kashmir because of water, it is tantamount to the thing that Pakistani people would claim that Kashmiri's only want to merge with Pakistan because of rice. Have you not heard anything about 'interdependence', this is not a distant country coming to loot you so your claim would be considered genuine, Pakistan is in our vicinity and we get to see many things we share with each other. If only Pakistanis will utilise their resources, which Allah has bestowed upon them,upto little percentage, they would be able to buy Kashmir and whole of north india from their wealth if allowed. So, even if we stop the waters of Kashmir from reaching Pakistan, by Allah, Pakistan will not be destroyed at all, instead, they will rely on mineral resources which will turn it into more prosperity. You should think of something different to lay blame upon Pakistan and falsely pretend to expose the bad intention of Pakistan. Where do you consider Islam in our relation with Pakistan? This secularism has made Ayaat of Allah obscure for you.

(We have during the passage of time witnessed the emergence of a different class of people, who call themselves as staunh Islamists but disagree Kashmir's Merger with Pakistan for some unknown reasons. It will be more sensible to refute their arguments than countering seculars, as of now, as they are the prime focus of this topic. So lets proceed)

2. They say: " We dont want to merge with a country where there is secular and democratic form of government, we dont want to live with them".

I see much sincerity in your arguments, by Allah, but what prevents you from opting for our merger with Pakistan needs to be explored and discovered. You say there is secular government in Pakistan!, you must acknowledge that the people there are fundamentalists by nature and we dont need to prove that, it is already established. However, i say there is no secularism in Pakistan's policy of governance, there is no freedom of speech against Islam, no non-muslim is a legislator in Pakistan's parliament. There is democracy but not secularism, and the only thing which prevents Pakistan government from implementing Islamic law is their own state of weakness in Emaan but not secularism. Moreover, if you desist from merging with Pakistan only because of secularism then i ask you, "why do you not consider secular population of Kashmir, who openly stand for secularism here?" Will you thow them out of Kashmir after freedom? or You will yourselves migrate to some desert, where there are no people against you? The answer to both these questions is NO, if a muslim is made to enjoin good and forbid evil. The only way forward to deal with seculars in Kashmir is to engage them in religious dialogue and convince them about Islamic values, and if they dont agree with you, the last resort is to fight them and with the help of Allah establish an Islamic state infront of them. Why should we not employ same policy regarding Pakistan, why should secularism or little number of seculars hinder the hearts of believers from uniting with each other? You are talking of Islam minus Muslim unity, how on earth we shall accept this when Muslim Ummah is one Ummah only! We are surely helpless as of now, but that should not procrastinate us and thus make us reject main objecticves of Ummah. Conclusively, the non-existing secularism in Pakistan does not prove your point here, we ask you for furthur reasons.

3. They say: " We dont want to merge with Pakistan because they have miserably failed to establish Khilafah and instead became slaves of United Snakes(states). So, we dont want ourselves to become slaves of america."

This is the truth, but there should be some equipment or process which we whilst using/applying, can tell us if all of the Pakistani people are slaves of america or just few factions of it. Imagine! if whole lot of people of Ummah say that "all Kashmiris are the slaves of india and there is no fun to help them through different means" - you will see them supporting their statement after looking at the mainstream political parties of Kashmir who are generally all puppets of india. What shall be your reaction towards them? If you ask me, i will drag them and get hold of their neck and tell them that all of the kashmiris are not the slaves of india. Similarily, when we put all Pakistani people in the same boat of american slavery, we find that we are unjust and BIASED against the innocent population of Pakistan. We must acknowledge the constant work done by Islamist organisations of Pakistan regarding the renaissance of Islam. When Tanzeem-e-Islami was created, Dr. Israr Ahmed -Rahimahullah- with the help of Allah was able to create 10,000 personnel in first two years, who were ready to sacrifice everything (what Dr. Sahab used to call Tann, Mann and Dhann) for the sake of Khilafah and from that time the number went on an increasing trend, today hamdulillah, we see there are a vast number of people who are totally into this work, sacrificing whatever they can for this pious goal. I ask you, my brothers -How many of us are ready to sacrifice our lives and wealth for the sake of Khilafah. We might recruit a good number of people for this job, but it needs to be organised to carry forward any work, which Pakistani Islamists are very good into, they are very well organised, their work is result oriented and we are '0' in organisation. And besides Tanzeem-e-Islami, Tableeghi Jamaat has done wonders in Pakistan, Jamaat-ud-Dawa has been very instrumental in different fields of Islamic renaissance. How should our conscience allow us to dissociate ourselves from these noble people, except when we understand things in a completely contrary manner? There is a need of analysis on our part about this subject, about which we have always been invariable. If i ask you why are Kashmiris slaves of india? why cant w relieve ourselves from it? Your answer will be simply that, we are living under indian occupation and we are helpless, then we must understand that if we are occupied by one country i-e, india, Pakistan is fought not by one country or two countries but three countries which are India, Israel and United Snakes, these enemies of Islam are trying to destroy Pakistan at all levels, these bombings and all are done inorder to dis-integrate Pakistan. The recent Karachi killings and Altaf Hussein's statements should be enough for us to understand that Pakistan is faced by many enemies within, who bow down to enemies of Islam wholly. Now, you may ask that Pakistan is a failed state then. I do not consider Pakistan a failed state even after this much dejection because i believe untill the Islamists of Pakistan keep working in their way, the help of Allah is not far. And -Naoodbillah- if these Islamists seize their work and bow down to enemies, that will be the only sign for calling Pakistan a failed state. See brothers, i am not supporting the so called government of Pakistan at all, but we should also take into account the support Pakistan government has provided to Kashmir by organised Jihad, financial support and many other things. It is them who trainded our Mujahideen, it is this heretic goernment which have alaways raised the issue of Kashmir when all other rulers and kings of Islamic countries have forgotten it. This ingenuine government of Pakistan has achieved what no other province of Islam has achieved, they have atleast obeyed one Ayat of Qur'an where Allah orders us to gather things of power against disbelievers, so as to strike the enemy of Allah and our enemy. I ask you, how many ayaat of Qur'an have we been obeying? The situation of Pakistan is such that if the Islamists inside it are not supported, applauded and adhered, the Ummah will have to face serious catastrophes. You must not ask to us the questions like, why only Pakistan? Why not other countries like malaysia, indonesia or egypt...?? By Allah this does not make any sense. Allying ourselves with Pakistan does not mean we dont like or love rest of the Ummah, but Pakistan is only more popular in Kashmir because of the nature of its cause, our love for all Muslims is equal to that of Pakistan. Reverberating the word 'PAKISTAN' in Kashmir serves the strategic interest. You must know that why india is providing more ground to seculars of Kashmir. If any political party works without any hindrance in Kashmir, it is only those associated with secularism. This must be aptly understood as to why seculars of Kashmir have more freedom to ask for freedom of Kashmir than other people. The thing is that they are void of Islam and they falsely deem Pakistan as same as india, which benifits none but india itself in a sense that it asks Pakistan to vacate Kashmir and stop raising this issue in any international forum. So at the end india wants kashmir to become its internal issue, so that no one would question them for whatever they do with us.

Furthur arguments...

4. They say: "There is much Shirk in Pakistan, we dont want to be a part of Mushrik state. Let Pakistan establish Khilafah first, end this shirk, then we will think of merging with them".

As for what you claim about presence of shirk in Pakistan, i cant say no there is not. Indeed a vast number of Pakistanis are invloved in shirk like grave worshipping and other things. We must definitely be concerned with this grave situation. But a glance at our own backyard tells us something same. Driving from Hazratbal to Lalchowk in srinagar, we see Mazaars and Astaans after every handspan with people thronging them for worship. We must strongly stand up to finish off shirk from all societies. And coming to your opinion that let Pakistan establish Khilafah first, I cannot dispute this because this is your opinion and it is different than my opinion and this is a thing where difference of opinion does not prove more fatal. I would prefer to merge even with democratic Pakistan for the reason that it will give me a chance to work with the noble Muslims of Pakistan for the Islamic renaissance, who are very well organised in their work and updated about all developments of world regarding anti-Islamic policies of anti-islamists.
However, i think that any prior judgement in this regard does not hold any significance as this depends upon how things will unfold in future.

5. They say: "We want to live as a seperate province and not as a part of Pakistan in a Global Islamic Khilafah"

If in all of your arguments, i see the most valid and genuine demand, it is this above one. But sincerely, this demand needs a specific time to be asked and it cannot be asked to anyone except the chosen Leader of Believers. We as Muslims have a right to ask for such things to our Ameer but only when there is such a system present among us. So for the time, it would be absolutely gracious and appropriate if you brothers would stand with us for the greater good, keeping your own desires, for which this is not the perfect time, aside for a while.

May Allah unite us for His cause. If we ask our enemies that whom they are afraid of the most then they say:

" We have defeated the arabs.!! Now, we have no fear of them at all. But we must have fear of Pakistan that they may rise up and stand in our way against us to destroy us."
These are the words of David ben gurion - Israel's first prime minister, he spoke them in Paris when Israel defeated 6 arab countries all at once in 1967 war which continued for 6 days. This was the time when Pakitan even did not possessed Nuclear weapons.

David Ben Gurion furthur says:

"There is a country called Pakistan. They are the lover of the arabs.These Pakistanis are more dangerous to us than arabs. They hate jews, they want to finish us. They are only second country to have an ideology like us, based on religion. We have to finish these Pakistanis, wipe them off the map, India can help us to finish them. We have to get rid of them, kill them, plot bomb blasts there, send spies. We have only one option.. kill Pakistanis or get killed. Whereas, the inhabitants of indian peninusla are hindus whose hearts are full of hatred against Muslims, throughout history, like those of christians of spain, that they had demonstrated in 1492, by eliminating all of them, after they had ruled them for eight centuries. Therefore, india is most important country that provides the base for us after spain to work there against Pakistan. It is important for us that we exploit this base and strike and crush Pakistanis, the enemies of Jews and Zionism, by all disguised and secret plans."
December 6 1983 speech.

I would not feel reluctant to compare these words of David Ben Gurion with the words of Abu Sufyaan which he spoke at Uhad. It was when Rasulullah SAW and Sahabas gathered on a mountain pass after the assault of Khalid bin al-Waleed, Abu Sufyaan advanced to the mountain pass and shouted:

" Is Muhammad (SAW) among you"?

Rasulullah SAW ordered all Sahabas to stay calm and dont reply.

Abu Sufyaan furthur said:

"Is Abu Bakr (RTA) among you?"

again no reply from Sahabas.

Abu Sufyaan furthur said;

"Is son of Al-Khattab (RTA) among you?"

again no reply from Sahabas.

Abu Sufyaan went on saying: " all of them are dead! and thats why you dont reply me''. after this, Sayyedina Umer Ibn al-Khattab RTA said to him:
"Our dead are in Jannah and your dead are in fire."

The similarity between words of Abu Sufyaan and David Ben Gurion can be easily understood. Abu Sufyaan, a very intelligent man knew that if after Rasulullah SAW, there was anyone among Muslims who could unite them and keep them intact upon their deen, it was none other than Abu Bakr RTA, and that is why he asked for Abu Bakr RTA after Rasulullah SAW, and if after Abu Bakr RTA, there was anyone who could keep Muslims united and keep them intact upon their deen, it was none other than Son of Al-Khattab RTA and thats why he asked for Ibn al-Khattab RTA after Abu Bakr RTA. So my point is that David Bin Gurion knew in 1967 only that if the jews have to fear any other country after arabs, it is none other than Pakistan and that forced him to discuss Pakistan with his fellow zionists even before Pakistan achieved nuclear weapons. Do not think that David ben gurion was foolish, wallah he was as inteligent as Abu Sufyaan, who could easily conceive every action of enemies and their threats and thus plan accordingly. The intelligence of Abu Sufyaan holds high status in history, he escaped Rasulullah SAW and Sahabas when they tried to attack his caravaan which came from syria to Makkah which later resulted in Gazwa e Badr. When some passer by told him that he saw around 300 soldiers marching somwhere, Abu Sufyaan feared that they might be Muslims of Madinah coming to attack his caravaan. So he marched back from other route from where Muslim army had passed before and took the camel dung from there and found that it contained seeds of dates. After that he said: Indeed none among the arabs feed their cattle with dates except the people of Madinah for they have date crops in abundance, so with this he was sure that Muslim of Madinha were following him. so he took other route and reached to Makkah, mobilised his army and met Muslims at BADR.

This comparison must keep us vigilant about the intelligence of our enemies and we must fully employ all sources to withstand them. Now, it is clear to us atleast that if there is any threat to enemies of Islam from the Muslim camp, it is none other than Pakistan. When Sahabas and Tabi'eens would give up their lives in the way of Allah for securing the walls of their fortresses from enemy attacks, should we not stand to secure the most valuable asset of Ummah which is in Pakistan, wallah, if we do not secure this asset, i see this will become highly vulnerable. Instead of dissociating our ways from this asset, we must rally around it to guard it for this is the blessing of allah upon us. If untill this time, Masjid al Aqsa stands, it is by the grace of Allah and this asset of ummah.
Comparatively, we see many things similar between Kashmir and Pakistan, and our blaim against Pakistan for those shortcomings which we also possess ourselves cannot be called SINCERITY at all but BIAS. Furthurmore, i see that Pakistan is better than Kashmir in many faith and conviction based areas, which need to be acknowledged to replace the BIAS with SINCERITY.
Any furthur arguments from any section are most welcomed and shall be with the grace of Allah answered in a decent manner.
Thanks for your time. May Allah bless you and me.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Nationalism is a concept alien to Islam because it calls for unity based on family and tribalistic ties, whereas Islam binds people together on the `Aqeedah, that is belief in Allah (swt) and His Messenger (saaw). Islam calls for the ideological bond.
Grouping the Muslims on tribalistic lines is clearly forbidden. It is narrated by Abu Da'wud that the Messenger of Allah (saaw) said,
"He is not one us who calls for `Asabiyyah, (nationalism/tribalism) or who fights for `Asabiyyah or who dies for `Asabiyyah."
And in another Hadith, the Messenger of Allah (saaw) referring to nationalism, racism, and patriotism said:
"Leave it, it is rotten." [Muslim and Bukhari] and in the Hadith recorded in Mishkat al-Masabith, the Messenger of Allah (saaw) said,
"He who calls for `Asabiyyah is as if he bit his father's genitals"
Also, the Messenger of Allah (saaw) said, narrated by At-Tirmidhi and Abu Dawud,
"There are indeed people who boast of their dead ancestors; but in the sight of Allah they are more contemptible than the black beetle that rolls a piece of dung with its nose. Behold, Allah has removed from you the arrogance of the Time of Jahiliyyah (Ignorance) with its boast of ancestral glories. Man is but an Allah-fearing believer or an unfortunate sinner. All people are the children of Adam, and Adam was created out of dust."
Also, the Messenger of Allah (saaw) said,
"Undoubtedly Allah has removed from you the pride of arrogance of the age of Jahilliyah (ignorance) and the glorification of ancestors. Now people are of two kinds. Either believers who are aware or transgressors who do wrong. You are all the children of Adam and Adam was made of clay. People should give up their pride in nations because that is a coal from the coals of Hell-fire. If they do not give this up Allah (swt) will consider them lower than the lowly worm which pushes itself through Khara (dung)." [Abu Dawud and Tirmidhi]
There are many examples in the Seerah where the Messenger of Allah (saaw) had rebuked those who upheld nationalism. One one occasion a party of Jews conspired to bring about disunity in the ranks of the Muslims after seeing the Aus and Khazraj within Islam. A youth from amongst them was sent to incite remembrance of the battle of Bu'ath where the Aus had been victorious over the Khazraj, and he recited poetry to bring about division between them. As a result there was a call to arms.
When the news reached the Messenger of Allah (saaw), he (saaw) said,
"O Muslims, remember Allah, remember Allah. Will you act as pagans while I am present with you after Allah has guided you to Islam, and honored you thereby and made a clean break with paganism; delivered you thereby from disbelief; and made you friends thereby?"
When they heard this they wept, and embraced each other. This incident clearly highlights how the messenger of Allah (saaw) rebuked any forms of tribalism. Allah (swt) then revealed,
"O you who believe! Fear Allah as He should be feared and die not except in a state of Islam with complete submission to Allah. And hold fast, all of you together, to the rope of Allah (i.e. Qur'an), and be not divided among yourselves; and remember with gratitude Allah's favors on you; for you were enemies and He joined your hearts in love, so that by His Grace you became brothers; and you were on the brink of the pit of fire, and He saved you from it. Thus Allah make His signs clear to you that you may be guided." [Surah Al'Imran (3); ayah 102-103]
It is narrated by Qatada that Ibnu Abi Hathim said that in the verses quoted above Allah (swt) has ordered the Muslims to hold fast to the book of Allah, His Deen, and to his covenant, and He has forbidden the Muslims to divide amongst themselves and to dispute with each other.
In another incident, Jabir ibn `Abd Allah al Ansari, narrated what happened at the watering place of al Muraysi which led to the Munafiqun stirring up the traces of `Asabiyyah and seeking to destroy the unity of the Muslims. He said: "We were on a raid when one of the Muhajirun kicked one of the Ansar. The Ansar said, `O Ansar! Help me! (calling his tribe) and the Muhajir said, `O Muhajirun! Help me! (calling his tribe). The Messenger of Allah (saaw) heard them and said,
"Why are you stirring up something which belongs to Jahilliyah?"
The Messenger of Allah (saaw) did not deal with the situation only by speaking to his men, but he walked with the men all that day until nightfall, and through the night until morning and during the following day until the sun distressed them. Then he halted them, and as soon as they touched the ground, they fell asleep. He did this to distract their minds from what had transpired.
It is transmitted by at-Tabarani and al-Hakim that in one incident some people spoke very lowly about Salman al-Farsi. They spoke of the inferiority of the Persian in relation to the Arabs, and upon hearing this the Messenger of Allah (saaw) declared,
"Salman is from us, the ahl al-bayt (the Prophet's family)."
This statement of the Messenger of Allah (saaw) disassociates all links based on lineage and tribal considerations.
It was also transmitted, in two different versions, by Ibn al-Mubarak in his two books, Al-Birr and As-Salah, that some disagreement occurred between Abu Dharr and Bilal and Abu Dharr said to Bilal, "You son of a black woman." The Messenger of Allah (saaw) was extremely upset by Abu Dharr's comment, so he (saaw) rebuked him by saying,
"That is too much, Abu Dharr. He who has a white mother has no advantage which makes him better than the son of a black mother."
This rebuke had a profound effect on Abu Dharr, who then put his head on the ground swearing that he would not raise it until Bilal had put his foot over it.
These incidents demonstrate that tribal ties have no place in Islam. Muslims are commanded to stick together and not to disassociate themselves from each other just because they come from different tribes. The Messenger of Allah (saaw) also said,
"The believers, in their love, mutual kindness, and close ties, are like one body; when any part complains, the whole body responds to it with wakefulness and fever." [Muslim],
"The faithful are like one man: if his eyes suffers, his whole body suffers." [Muslim],
"An Arab is no better than a non-Arab. In return, a non-Arab is no better than an Arab. A red raced man was not better than a black one except in piety. Mankind are all Adam's children and Adam was created out of clay." [Al-Bukhari and Muslim, on the authority of Abu Musa]
Meaning that the Muslims, whether they are of Chinese, African, European or Asian origin, are one Ummah and they cannot be separated from each other. No tribalistic ties should ever break their unity.
Furthermore, Allah (swt), says,
The Faithful are but brothers..." [Surah Al-Hujurat (49): ayah 10]
And the Messenger of Allah (saaw) said,
"The Faithful are to one another like [parts of] a building - each part strengthening the others"
"Every Muslim is a brother to a Muslim, neither wronging him nor allowing him to be wronged. And if anyone helps his brother in need, Allah will help him in his own need; and if anyone removes a calamity from [another] Muslim, Allah will remove from him some of the calamities of the Day of Resurrection; and if anyone shields [another] Muslim from disgrace, Allah will shield him from the disgrace on the Day of Resurrection." [Al-Bukhari and Muslim, on the authority of `Abd Allah ibn `Umar]
Some people claim that the Messenger of Allah (saaw) approved of nationalism because during the migration to Madinah, he (saaw) said about Makkah with tears in his (saaw) eyes,
"You are the most beloved land of Allah to me."
However, this saying has nothing to do with nationalism, and this can be seen from the full saying which people often do not quote,
"You are the most beloved land of Allah to me because you are the most beloved land of Allah to Allah."
The Messenger of Allah's (saaw) lover for Makkah was based on the noble status that Allah (swt) has given to Makkah, and not because he (saaw) was born there. All Muslims should have this love and affection for Makkah because it is the most beloved land in the sight of Allah (swt). After all, the Muslims pray towards Makkah and go there to perform Hajj there as it houses the Ka'ba. The above saying of the Messenger of Allah (saaw) therefore has nothing to do with nationalism. If Rasoolillah (saaw) and the Muhajireen amongst the Sahabah (raa) were tied to the homeland (of Makkah), they would have settled in Makkah after it became part of the Islamic State.
Not only does Islam forbid people from grouping on nationalistic ties, but it also prohibits the establishment of more than one state, whether these states are based on nationalism or otherwise. The only state that is allowed for the Muslims is the Islamic State, which is a state that is governed exclusively by Islam. Allah (swt) addressed the Messenger (saaw),
"And rule between them by that which Allah revealed to you, and do not follow their vain desires away from the truth which came to you" [Surah Al-Madinah (5): ayah 48]
"And rule between them by that which Allah revealed to you and do not follow their whims, and beware (be on the alert) that they may deviate you away from even some part of what Allah revealed to you." [Surah Al-Maidah (5): ayah 49]
The speech of Allah (swt) to the Messenger (saaw) is a speech to his (saaw) Ummah unless specific evidence comes to restrict this. In this case, there is no such restriction, and so it becomes obligatory for the Muslims to rule according to Islam. And ruling according to Islam leaves no room for nationalistic constitutions whatsoever because what is applied, and what forms the criteria for judgement, is the Book of Allah (swt) and the Sunnah of the Messenger (saaw).
Ruling according to Islam can only be achieved in one state, with one Khalifah. It is reported in Muslim that `Abdullah ibn `Amr ibn al-'As narrated that he heard the Messenger of Allah (saaw) say,
"He who gave the bay'ah to an Imam, giving him the clasp of his hand and the fruit of his heart has to obey him as long as he can. If another comes to dispute with him (his authority) strike the neck of that person."
Abu Said al-Khudri narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saaw) said,
"If a bay'ah is taken for two Khalifahs, kill the latter one."
And `Arfaja said that he heard the Messenger of Allah (saaw) say,
"If someone comes to you when you are united over one man and wants to break your strength and divide your unity, kill him."
This unity of the Muslims was clearly highlighted in the document that the Messenger of Allah (saaw) wrote when he established the Islamic State in Madinah. In this document, which was to regulate the relationships of Muslims and non-Muslims in the Islamic State, the Messenger of Allah (saaw) said regarding the Muslims,
"Allah's covenant amongst them is one" and "The Believers are brothers to the exclusion of others" and "The peace of the believers is indivisible. No separate peace shall be made with believers are fighting in the way of Allah."
These statements serve to indicate that Muslims are one body and they are not to be treated separately. Furthermore, the obligation of having one state, and not many nationalistic states, also comes from the Ijma' of the Sahabah. When the Messenger of Allah (saaw) died, the Sahabah (raa) convened to discuss the appointment of the Khalifah in the courtyard of Bani Sa'ida. One person had proposed that the Ansar should elect their own Amir and the Muhajireen their own, but Abu Bakr (ra) narrated the Hadith that forbids the Ummah from having more than one leader. Thus, the Sahabah (raa) never allowed more than one ruler and their consensus is a legitimate evidence for us.
Islam therefore leaves no room for the Saudi state, and Egyptian state, a Malaysian state, an Iraninan state, or a Pakistani state. Islam calls for one state with one ruler where all Muslims are bound by the `Aqeedah of Islam. And this is a matter deciddd by Islam to which we must submit to, for Allah (swt) says,
"O mankind, verily We have created you from a male and a female, and made you peoples and tribes, so that you may recognize each other. Verily, the most honored of you to Allah is (he who) safeguards himself against evil with full awareness of Divine Laws. Verily, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware." [Surah Al Hujurat (49): ayah 13]
This verse was revealed immediately after the triumphant entry of the Prophet (saaw) into Makkah. After the declaration of immunity to the Quraysh, the Prophet (saaw) requested Bilal (ra) to give the Adhan. A group of three new Muslims were observing the proceedings when Bilal (ra) was asked to make the Adhan. One of them remarked how happy he was that his parents were not present to see such a disgusting sight. Another one, Harith bin Hisham commented that the Prophet (saaw) couldn't find anybody other than a black crow to make the Adhan. The third one, Abu Sufyan, abstained from making any adverse comment, stating that if he said anything, Allah (swt) would send a revelation to Muhammad (saaw) addressing his statement.
Allah (swt) sent Jibreel (as) to inform the Prophet (saaw) of the discussion that had just taken place. The prophet (saaw) asked the three men about their conversation, who confirmed to the Prophet (saaw) what Jibreel (as) told him. The verse of the Qur'an was subsequently revealed.
Because these individuals from the Quraysh were differentiating between themselves and Bilal (ra), Allah (swt) revealed this verse, concluding that the only criteria that Allah (swt) uses to judge between Muslims is that of Taqwa, which Bilal (ra) had and of which they were devoid of. This verse destroys the basis of nationalism in Islam.
In the first part of the Ayah, Allah (swt) revealed to humanity that all human beings were created from a single pair - Adam and Eve. This statement clearly refutes any claim of certain people that humans came from animals through the process of evolution or any other such claim.
The part of the Ayah, "..and made you peoples and tribes, so that you may know each other..." is usually misinterpreted as `nations and tribes' to justify the differences created by the existing borders, specifically in the Muslim World. In addition, such misinterpretations are also used to encourage Muslims to foster pride in these affiliations.
Unfortunately, these Muslims quickly jump to conclusions without looking at what Allah (swt) says. The errant understanding of this Ayah attempts to legitimize the current situation of the Muslim Ummah as many nations - divided and powerless - resulting from the destruction of the Khilafah state on March 3rd, 1924 by the puppet of the Kuffar, Mustafa Kamal.
Furthermore, such a misunderstanding lends legitimacy to the continued division of the already divided Muslim lands that occurred throughout the twentieth century, with the division of the Indian Subcontinent into Indian, Pakistani and Kashmiri regions; the further division of Pakistan into two countries with the creation of Bangladesh; and the renting asunder of the last Islamic Khilafah by the British agent Sykes and the French agent Picot during World War I in which they used the pencil and ruler to divide the Muslim Ummah.
"It is not for a believer (male or female) that when Allah and His Messenger have decreed a matter that they should have any choice in their decision. And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger, he has indeed strayed in plain error." [Surah Al-Ahzab (33): ayah 36]
And those who still uphold nationalism, remember what Allah (swt) says,
"And let those who oppose the Messenger's commandment beware, lest some Fitnah (disbelief, trials,afflictions,...) befall them or a painful torment be inflicted on them." [Surah An-Nur (24): ayah 63]
by Hayat Ashraf Dar

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Introduction of this Blog:

This blog has been created only to show the whole world that the People of Kashmir want freedom from illegal indian occupation and want to be a part of Global Islamic Khilafah State. We have a page on facebook also namely "Kashmir Goes Global- Rises Up For Khilafah".
Thanx for visiting the Blog Asap..